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Courses offered at ICAS BENGALURU CHAPTER 1


Astrology Beginner Course

This is a one year basic course of Astrology. This course lays the foundation of astrology. The course covers basic astronomy, casting the horoscope and fundamental knowledge of zodiac, planets, rasis and houses. Basic knowledge of delineation is also imparted in order to ascertain strength of horoscope. Effect of transit and muhurta is also covered in this course. This course consists of two semesters of two papers each. Every semester is for a period of 6 months


Astrology Advanced Course

This is a one year advance course of Astrology. This course beacons the complicated topics and other streams of astrology. Topics like Horary, Medical Astrology, Longevity, Shadbala, Astakavarga, Marriage matching, Dasa analysis, transits, chakras, mundane astrology etc are covered. This strengthens the practical aspect of astrology. Mundane astrology gives a wider horizon as this talks about the world than the individual. This course consists of two semesters of three papers each.


Beginner Course in Vastu

This is a six month basic course on Vastu. The course provides an introduction to vastu, how astrology and vastu are connected, Padas and dieties, panch maha tatvas,  energy patterns in vastu, vastu purusha and directions, land selection, shalyas, vastu planning of house, location of activity centers etc.


Advanced Course in Vastu

This is a six month advanced course in vastu. This course covers advanced planning concepts of vastu for house and commercial establishments.  It covers topics on  main entrance, brahmastahan and marmasthan, vastu rules for rooms and impacts due to wrong placements, Astrology and muhurta - griharambha, excavation, grihapravesh,  vastu and animals, birds and trees. Vastu dosha corrections, furniture arrangements, paintings, colours, historical monuments and vastu, arrangements for commercial establishments etc.


Beginner Course in Palmistry

This is a six month course and covers topics related general palmistry - relevence, divisions of palmistry, basic rules. It further covers the fundamentals of palmistry  and covers classification and characteristics of hand, study of four fingers, thumb, study of mounts etc. Analysis of palmistry covers a detailed study of principal lines and secondary lines. Advanced features of palmistry covers advanced analysis of lines, finger prints and important marks on the palm


Advanced Course in Palmistry

This is an advanced six month course on palmistry and covers Palmistry and professions, Palmistry and marriage, Palmistry and children, Medical palmistry, disease patterns,  Applied palmistry - traits, prediction of principal events, their timing and practical case studies.


Beginner Course in Nadi Astrology

This is a six month course on Nadi astrology and covers topics on classification, relevence and history of nadi astrology, karma siddhanta. It covers the fundamentals of nadi astrology - grahas, bhavas, signs, nakshatras, special navamshas and special nadi parmeters. It introduces to the dasha system in nadi astrology, progression of moon and jupiter, brighu pada dasha, paryaya of slow planets and transit results. It also covers the techniques for timing of events, composite transits, eventful years through navamsa and transit conjuctions.


Advanced courses in Nadi Astrology

This is a six month advanced course on nadi predictive techniques and covers areas of education, marriage, progeny, property, vehicles, Wealth, foreign travel, profession, coborns. It introduces to nadi prashna methods using kashyapa hora paddhati. The course further covers Nadi medical astrology covering various diseases and introduces to longevity concepts.  The course also introduces to various nadi dictums, shapas, Doshas, Kopas and introduces to various types of remedies.

Courses: Activities
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